Friday, April 25, 2008

Know your Options..

And Know what they are NOT.

Once upon a time, my boyfriend asked me a silly question. He said "Do you even WANT to go to work tomorrow?" And I just looked at him, kind of puzzled because honestly, the thought never crossed my mind. Whether I want to or not, I still HAVE to go, and my feelings on the matter doesn't change that, so I don't even bother to think about it. The same thing can be applied to working out. We shouldn't even consider whether we WANT to or not, but just go DO IT! I think I learned that when I was a kid because whenever us kids got all whiney and said we didn't want to do something my dad would say "Well you are going to have to change your want-to-then!"

So what are your options? By saying what your options are NOT, you give your options more power and room to succeed.
Not working out is NOT an option.
Not giving your 100% is NOT an option.
Not meeting or exceeding your goal is NOT an option. (With the only exceptions being injury or death.)
Sugar comas are NOT an option.

Feel free to list yours in the comments or any you think I may have missed.

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